Episode 47: The Great Ear Hustle Cook Off
Illustration by Antwan Williams
For our inaugural Great Ear Hustle Cook Off, four formerly-incarcerated people replicate meals they used to make inside their cells, using only the tools and ingredients they would have had access to in prison.
Thanks to Jason Samuel, Jonathan Chiu, Adam Garcia, John Yahya Johnson, Alesha Monteiro, Emily Jarvis, Jasmine Boxley, Jaycie Carrillo, Christopher “Donut” Lewis, Larry Davis, and Alfred King for being in this episode.
Thanks also to Gilbert Pilgram, executive chef of Zuni Cafe, for being our guest judge, and to Davia Nelson, who connected us with Gilbert. Davia is co-host of the “Kitchen Sisters Present” podcast.
This episode was sound designed and engineered by Earlonne Woods and Antwan Williams, with music by Antwan, David Jazzy, and Rashiyd Zinnamon.
Thanks to Lt. Sam Robinson and Acting Warden Ron Broomfield for their support of the show.
You can download the episode here and find a transcript here.