Lesson Plan: Future on Ice 1

Subject/Course: Immigration

Topic: Immigration: Myths vs. Truths

Grade Level: 9-12

Common Core Standards:

  • Reading standards for literacy in historical/social studies (grades 9-10 and 11-12): 1-4, 6-9 met.

  • Writing standards for literacy in historical/social studies (grades 9-10 and 11-12): 1, 4, 7, 8 met.

Episode: “Future on Ice” (Season 3) Full audio | Transcript

Lesson Length/Time Needed: Varies

Lesson Created by: G. Furst


Lesson Objectives

Distinguish between truths and myths about immigration.


Materials Needed


  • Listening device

  • Internet access to conduct research

  • Paper/pen or writing app



Misinformation about immigration feeds anger and resentment toward people who immigrate.

Class activity (20 min):
Project/put on the board, statements about immigration. Ask students if each one is a myth or a fact. Here you can tell them the answers or have them do the research to find the answer (described more below).

Listening 25 min:
While students listen to the Ear Hustle episode, have them take notes on the experiences of Phoeun You and Borey Ai (PJ).

Class discussion (15 min):
Ask students to share what they learned from hearing about and what Phoeun You and Borey Ai (PJ) experienced. Ask students again if each statement is a myth or truth.

Additional class activities :
Divide students into groups and do research on local organizations helping immigrants. Have students note what populations they help, what services they offer, etc.

Have students report back to the class and describe the organizations they found. Are there similarities, any populations overlooked/not targeted, etc.? Perhaps encourage students to volunteer for one of these organizations or collect items to donate. A representative from a local group might be willing to come speak to the class.

You can also add a media literacy component to this lesson. Ask students to research each statement about immigration, using reliable sources, and report back whether it is truth or myth.


Additional Resources

Sources of myths and facts:


Content Warnings

  • Earlonne Woods: [00:05:21] They probably be trying to f - - - me over.

  • Earlonne Woods: [00:21:07] Oh, s - - -. He's probably about the business, you know?